Thursday 21 January 2010

Shoe texture for Jed:

Using a 'weathered' leather texture with a grungy texture applied on top. I was fairly pleased with this earlier, but looking at it now, It could be heavily improved. I wanted to erase the dripping paint look, and the leather itself is too prominent.

1 comment:

  1. Nice attempt mate but unfortunately this is not the shoe texture I had in mind. Its far too wrinkly and cracked, at the moment it looks a bit like a black elephant trunk! I was thinking along the lines of a more smoky, cloudy, subtle leather, almost as if its been through alot of wear and tear and dust. Think of a really old school shoe.... with a rubber sole. I'll post some images up on the main blog for you to reference. Your doing a good job mate but Im really worried about us falling behind shcedule with the texturing of Jed, I understand its hard to speed up painting textures but we simply must :( x
