Wednesday 23 December 2009

Here is an initial Photoshop paint test of Jed's clothing. It took me a couple of hours to blend in creases and folds, but I really enjoyed doing this.


  1. mate im loving that! shit, well played grigs... and you say theres more!? x

  2. LOL. Blimey, I'm relieved you're happy with it. To improve it, i think the shading of the collar and where the jacket buttons up needs more softening and definition. This image seems to have pixilated a lot of the detail, so the actual texture test is better. I wanted to get three texture tests done, but if you're happy with the direction im going in with this one, shall i just develop it, such as add tears/stains/patches of dirt and wear? I really want to apply this to the model as well, see what it looks like.. x

  3. well this is kind of what I had in mind anyway but i suppose another two tests wouldnt go a miss mate. I totally agree, however would the tear and dirt layers be done in maya? Nor can I, especially with a bump texture, its gonna look the nuts. I reckon, get another two tests done, so we can slap them on the model aswell..... develop this one.... and model the room walls (blockout).That should be enough till we come back! Well done mate, great stuff X

  4. Grigsby have you scanned my images in yet? jesus christ
