Tuesday 8 December 2009

Spotlight Test.2

Experimenting further with spotlights. After lots of trial and error, I am finally pleased with some of these results. The light appears as it is emanating rather than a solid object. I also have reduced the size and amount of specks in the texture of the light. The intensity of the light of the ground still needs adjusting.

In addition, I have added a backdrop, quickly editing a photo of a sky, as well a few buildings in the distance to add some depth to the scene. I referred to Phil's recent concept he made. I'm not sure if the background should be too dark or slightly lighter, let me know what you think..

1 comment:

  1. nice one Grigs, this was one of the things I was going to ask you to do. Ideally when we come back, you need to know exactly how to create the lights so we can just get on with it. I think these render tests will save so much time, as soon as you've rendered and composited one shot perfectly, you'll know how to do all of them.

    Check out this http://vimeo.com/7074312 it's 3D but doesn't really look it, which is just the thing I'm looking for. I think this is all achieved via compositing, which is shown in their blogs listed below the video.
